Terms & Conditions

The terms of utilization is an understanding between KhelTamasha and every one of its auxiliaries, from here on alluded to as the "organization" (the organization could likewise be alluded to as "we", "us", "our" and other such descriptive words), including its site KhelTamasha.com, from here on is alluded to as the "site" and you from here on will be alluded as "you", "your", "client" or "player".

The understanding must be perused by you (client) totally and surely knew before you consent to the terms and conditions overseeing all relationship in this assertion and terms of administrations, items or data and there use , from here on are alluded to as "Terms and conditions". The client should read, comprehend and consent to the terms of utilization which incorporates those terms and conditions explicitly set out beneath and those consolidated by reference, which you can access by tapping on the pertinent connection.

Meaning OF "Participation"

The Website and its participation are entirely private and not the slightest bit ought to be thought to be open. Keeping in mind the end goal to pick up participation to the site empowering the client to play the diversions offered/utilize the product or whatever other item or administrations offered by the site, organization or its partners, they should first enlist themselves with the site.

The enrollment does not ensure participation, simply after the organization or its delegates regard fit by their own particular subjective judgment will they allow participation advising you of the same by sending you an email. The privilege to give enrollment is totally saved by the organization/site and its delegates. Such participation can be ended by giving moment see for any subjective reason that they consider fit and by consenting to the terms of utilization the client gives its assent for the same.

The server where the product is introduced and the diversions facilitated will be set in an entirely non-open/classified zone where the entrance to the server is totally confined both physically and basically. Any individual/people or gathering that will be approved to get to the server where the amusements are held are not permitted to enlist themselves as clients, in this manner, not permitted to wind up individuals. Such individuals are not permitted to utilize the product/play recreations or utilize whatever other item or administration gave by the organization. This is in light of a legitimate concern for advancing reasonable play. Our administrations and items are not accessible to anyone less than 13 years old upon the arrival of them applying for enrollment through the enlistment procedure on the site. Likewise, it is entirely denied for any client less than 18 years old to play in ring amusements. We maintain all authority to ask for verification of age at any phase to confirm that minors are not utilizing the Service and we may reject a man from play if evidence of age is not given or if the Company presumes that a man utilizing the Service is under-age. The administrations and items are not proposed for clients interfacing with the site from purviews that say it is illicit to do as such.


The appropriate laws in the province of Assam, Orissa and Telangana may disallow a player from utilizing the administrations offered on our site. There might be relevant punishments forced on such client by the individual state governments or the focal legislature of India as the case possibly. Our organization and its site doesn't energize participation ask for from individuals who are living in these states. As it's difficult to track the correct area of the clients because of regular Pan-India server farms utilized by the remote web suppliers, the risk will be exclusively on the client and the organization maintains whatever authority is needed to end the clients enrollment with no notice and reallocate every one of his chips adjust and rewards as the case may be. You acknowledge that KhelTamasha won't be obligated to assume any liability for the break of the client of appropriate state laws. Clients from all state need to dependably guarantee that they are following the relevant state laws and we will endeavor to post any progressions that we appear to be fitting to better instruct the clients. Our choice in such manner will be last and no thought at all will be stretched out to the client.


You may just have one record on our site from here on alluded to as "Record", for which you will enroll utilizing your own, right name. You concur that you will login to your record and check the poker amusement atleast once like clockwork. In the event that your record has been inert for over 180 days, the record adjust will be reset to 0 and it won't be refundable. You may not utilize the administration by methods for someone else's record. Should you endeavor to open more than one record, under your own name or under some other name, or should you endeavor to utilize the administration by methods for whatever other individual's record, we will be qualified for close every one of Your Accounts and banish you from playing diversions in our site in future quickly. You ought to guarantee that you have perused and comprehended the tenets and directions of the amusements accessible through the administration, here on alluded to as the "diversions". You consent to submit to the guidelines and controls of each of the Games as distributed and occasionally changed on the site.

The tenets that oversee the diversions and administrations offered by the site shape some portion of the terms and conditions and they will be accessible under the "About Game" or comparative segment on the site. For all guidelines, be that as it may they could conceivably be expressly said on the site. The client is urged to look for elucidation by utilizing the client administrations advertised. The assurance chose by the organization or potentially its site will be last and you consent to comply with them by tolerating the terms and conditions.


Sharing or circulation of the secret key with some other client/individual/gathering or any outsider is entirely disallowed. KhelTamasha is not mindful if your record is gotten to or opened by others utilizing your secret key. You are considered legitimately capable and obligated for the majority of your exercises on the site produced using your record. The players concede that they might be presented to content posted by different clients which they may discover hostile, repulsive or disgusting and that the site will be unable to anticipate such substance being posted. Such substance ought to be conveyed to notice of the site. The site might follow up on the data as it considers satisfactory. The choice taken by the administration of the organization or the site in such manner should be last and official on the player and the player particularly concurs that KhelTamasha won't bring about any obligation under any situation at all with respect to the same. You comprehend that it is your commitment to secure the data you have given on the site including, yet not restricted, to usernames, passwords, email addresses, contact points of interest, and phone numbers. You expressly comprehend and concur that we won't bring about any obligation for data gave by you to anybody which may bring about your record on the site being uncovered or abused by whatever other individual or some other damage or misfortune being endured by you. You are responsible to comply with any pertinent law, while participating in any opposition or competition composed through the site. You embrace and consent to repay us against any cases, costs or liabilities endured by or asserted against us by any individual or element emerging out of your rebelliousness with any appropriate laws. You additionally comprehend and acknowledge that your negligible support in an amusement/competition accessible on the site does not make any commitment on us to give you a prize. You're winning a prize is totally reliant on your ability as a player same as different players in the amusement/competition and subject to the guidelines of the diversion/competition. You recognize that your investment in any amusement/competition accessible on the site is simply intentional and is at your sole watchfulness and hazard. You comprehend and recognize that once a diversion/competition has initiated, not having the capacity to play because of moderate web associations, broken equipment, web association disappointment, low PC setup or for some other reason does not inferable from us to a discount of the passage charge you may have paid for interest. You concur, comprehend and recognize that you will utilize your record with us exclusively with the end goal of playing on the site and for whatever other exchanges with us which you may need to complete as for your use of the administrations. You comprehend and recognize the way that we are neither a bank nor a money related foundation and that the buys/adjust remaining to the credit in your record don't collect any premium. You likewise comprehend and concur that your record kept up with us is only with the end goal of installment of the passage/membership charge to take an interest in recreations/competitions made accessible on the site and for buy of money prizes that you may win. You likewise concur that you are required to outfit your PAN (Permanent Account Number) properly issued to you by the Income Tax Department, Government of India, by and large, to deduct TDS according to the principles and directions of the legislature of India. You recognize that you are making utilization of the administrations realizing that you may confront a danger of money related misfortune, when utilizing the administrations and that KhelTamasha should have no duty to you for any such misfortune that emerges over the span of your cooperation in the administrations. You may not mimic someone else or client, endeavor to get a secret word, other record data, or other private data from a client, or reap email addresses or other data. In the occasion, we have sensible grounds to trust that your exercises incorporate any of the demonstrations determined above, We may start suitable lawful procedures against you and tell the applicable administrative or law authorization experts where fitting, aside from suspending or ending your benefits for the utilization of the site. You may not buy, offer, exchange, lease, rent, permit, give a security enthusiasm for, or exchange your client account, any substance, cash, focuses, standings, rankings, appraisals, or whatever other qualities showing up in, starting from or related with the Website or by utilizing any Services.


KhelTamasha hold all rights unmistakable or elusive for the site and every one of the administrations offered on the site including however not restricted to all recreations and other substance , special material, interalia all key and advancement designs, thoughts , outlines, money related conditions, strategies for success, information banks, data identified with innovation and process, the innovation created including the product and procedure of utilization from here on alluded to as "protected innovation" . The organization is just allowing the client to utilize the Intellectual property to play the diversions and utilize different administrations offered and under all conditions the client is entirely precluded to utilize the scholarly capital generally, which incorporates yet is not restricted to replicating, duplicating or transmitting any media known to/or will be known to mankind of the licensed innovation. The client is not being conceded any rights at all as for the licensed innovation by enabling him to play amusements on the site and utilize different administrations on the site.

Every single other trademark are the property of their particular proprietors.


KhelTamasha holds specialist over the issuing, support, and shutting of Users' records at its entry. The choice of KhelTamasha's administration, as respects any part of a User's record, utilization of the Service, or debate determination, is last and might not be interested in audit or bid.


KhelTamasha might lead a few competitions every once in a while on the site. Renowned things from different brands are offered as prizes in some of these competitions. Unless generally said, there is no official tie up amongst KhelTamasha and the different outsider brands. KhelTamasha should basically purchase the items specified in the advancement and conveying to the champ of the advancement. By filling your versatile number on our webpage, you are giving KhelTamasha the privilege to get in touch with you by Call/SMS to give you data on all special action/occasions directed by KhelTamasha and its accomplices. Your versatile number won't be utilized for any outsider correspondence at all.


KhelTamasha is an innovation organization which through its site KhelTamasha goes for giving innovation and IT administrations to empower online multiplayer gaming progressively. Other than giving innovation and IT administrations to empower web based amusements of expertise, the organization will likewise make programming and innovation to empower play of round of abilities on different innovation stage, continuous or generally . Such innovation won't be sold yet the clients will be permitted to utilize it at the sole caution of the KhelTamasha.

The administrations gave by the site are just expected to play with aptitude and for amusement reason as it were. The organization is not in charge of any wagering or betting acts that may happen outside the site.

KhelTamasha will charge the clients for giving such administrations. An administration assess is pertinent for the administrations and the administration charge gathered toward the start of each diversion will incorporate the administration impose and different duties and charges as relevant. The administration charge collected is liable to change now and again and the clients will be educated as needs be by offering an explanation to such particular demand from client mind. We claim all authority to gather benefit charge at different rates and at various circumstances and for numerous sorts of recreations and different administrations offered by us. The administration charge and pertinent assessments may differ according to the adjustments in the law and we may change the exact of administration charge as needs be founded on the organization's attentiveness.


Business utilization of the Software is entirely illegal. The User is just permitted to utilize the Software for his/her own utilization. By no means might a User be allowed to utilize his/her record with KhelTamashaConstrained for any reason other than for playing the Games. You may open just a single record for every individual. KhelTamasha maintains whatever authority is needed to screen any push to set up numerous records; in the occasion KhelTamasha finds that you have opened more than one record for each individual, every one of extra records will be shut promptly without see and proceeded with infringement will bring about the end of all of your records and KhelTamasha may void any related rewards. The client may not endeavor to adjust, decompile, figure out or dismantle the product in any capacity. The utilization of counterfeit consciousness including, without impediment, "robots" is entirely prohibited regarding the Software and the Games. All moves made in connection to the Games by a User must be executed by and by the User through the UI available by utilization of the Software. You concur that KhelTamasha may find a way to recognize and keep the utilization of disallowed EPA Programs. Such activity may incorporate, however is not constrained to, the examination of programming programs running simultaneously with the KhelTamasha Software on the User's PC.


Every single vital stride have been taken keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee reasonable play on the site. We will keep you from conspiring with different players so as to win/free. When you consent to the terms and conditions specified here, you concur that you won't play any amusement in association or by speaking with different players which may give profit you over different players. You likewise concur that you won't hack or endeavor to hack/chipdump/bolster chipdumping in any frame both in real money prize tables and competitions to pick up chips or favorable position in the diversion. In the event that a player is discovered associated with such exercises, KhelTamasha has the privilege to withhold every one of the assets in the player's record and to drop and close the record with no earlier correspondence to the player.

As a major aspect of intrigue counteractive action, we order that one client should open just a single accound at KhelTamasha. On the off chance that we find copy accounts having a place with a client, we should make suitable move to end the copy accounts.


When you utilize our Services, you will be required to get money from us.


Any chips in your record is your genuine record adjust. Any rewards would be included or potentially misfortunes brought about from utilizing the administrations, section or different expenses, beforehand reclaimed chips by the User or sum relinquished by us for any associated extortion or dismissal or cancelation with transaction(s) by your or any outsider bank, coming about of charge-backs, lacking assets or some other reason would hence be subtracted. Additionally required would be the Inactive Account Fees. A recover demand will be acknowledged when obliged chips adjust confinements, extra limitations or potentially Security Reviews. You can pull back sums just inside your exchange constrains and exacting any preparing expenses for withdrawal techniques that we inform you of before recovering. In case of a chargeback, KhelTamasha group's choice will be last in choosing whether to enable the concerned player to proceed. Likewise, any recovers/account adjust might be solidified until the security time of chargeback of around 180 days has gone for every one of the stores made by the player before any rewards can be discharged to the player. KhelTamasha likewise claims all authority to boycott any player account that has enjoyed utilization of unapproved/outsider cards in their record to include chips - which brought about a charge-back.

Client can ask for discount whenever on the web. With KhelTamasha, the client record will be checked for any amusements played or extra claims and the demand will be handled inside 2 weeks. The reward sum for any extra claims will be deducted and the adjust discounted. An ask for cancelation of any exchange would be handled inside 2 weeks given the player has the adjust of the exchange in his/her record.

Any sum from your rewards might be accounted for and withheld going along to any appropriate law. It is exclusively your duty to manage all the expenses required with your rewards. Neither prize money nor adjust can be recovered for whatever other prize nor would it be able to be exchanged. While pulling back, installment will be made to you either with check, wire, Visa and additionally whatever other way which we select, in spite of the fact that we will attempt to give your inclinations.

Despite the fact that installment preparing will be made as quickly as time permits, because of our Security Reviews, installments might be deferred and withheld with us.


KhelTamasha won't stand the utilization of any harsh or hostile dialect on our visit sheets or some other stages. Additionally, you are not permitted to make false or harming remarks with respect to the organization in any media or discussion.

We hold the privilege to dismiss or erase any content, documents, pictures, photographs, video, sounds, or whatever other material that ruptures the terms as per our outsider substance strategy posted by you on any stage.

Any infringement may bring about expulsion of the outsider Content, a suspension of your utilization of the Services as well as any appropriate activity as might be required by us to guarantee the assention.


In the event of any specialized disappointments, server crashes , breakdowns, programming deformities, disturbance or glitch of administration, as an approach, KhelTamasha will wipe out the amusements and discount the wager sums after legitimate check and no rake will be taken from such diversions and you acknowledge that KhelTamasha is not dependable to you in all such cases. KhelTamasha is additionally not at risk for any imminent rewards from any fragmented competition. KhelTamasha does not hold any obligation to any detachment, slack, stop or obstruction in arrange on the client's PC or some other outside systems. If there should arise an occurrence of any interruption for a continuous amusement, the diversion will be physically wiped out by KhelTamashaand the focuses/chips should be discounted independent of the status of the diversion. For any diversion, KhelTamashahas the privilege to wipe out and discount the focuses/chips. For no situation, other than a server crash, KhelTamashais responsible for any of the player's separations from server.


By enlisting, you are considered to have acknowledged and seen every one of the Terms and conditions. We suggest that you keep a duplicate of all exchanges, standards of playing, cancelation and installment arrangements. Our disappointment or deferral to act or exercise any privilege or cure concerning a break of any of these Terms and conditions by You doesn't surrender Our rights to act as for any earlier, simultaneous, consequent or comparative ruptures. Any opposition or competition sorted out by us on the Website might be administered by these Terms and conditions and any extra terms and conditions which might be expressly characterized for an opposition or competition.

The organization or potentially its site and/exclusively maintain whatever authority is needed to independently change the terms and conditions and refresh the same on the site. It is the client's obligation to check the refreshed terms and conditions all the time and to choose whether to proceed with his participation on this site or not. Anytime of time you may end the utilization of our site or any administrations offered by the organization. On the off chance that you keep on using the Service/item or the Software, you will be in charge of your acknowledgment of the progressions to this Agreement. In the event that any legal or semi legal body in India proclaims any of these Terms or condition to be unlawful, invalid, void or unenforceable for any reason, the legitimacy and enforceability of the rest of the Terms and conditions won't be influenced. Any such wrong Term or condition will be supplanted with another term that is legitimate and enforceable and is in most about with impact to the first invalid term.

By consenting to the terms of utilization you consent to the way that the data you have given to the organization, site or partner on our site and its offshoots, will be utilized by the organization and its subsidiaries as considered proper. Our strategies for social affair data may change every once in a while and our security approach might be adjusted as well. These progressions will be posted on this page. You can simply comprehend the data we gather, how we utilize it, and under what conditions we reveal it.


The organization repudiates all Warranties, communicated or suggested, regarding the product, the site and the diversions, all of which are given to the client "AS Seems to be". You get to and utilize the site at your sole hazard. The Company unequivocally repudiates all guarantees or states of any sort, express, inferred or statutory, including without confinement the suggested guarantees of title, non-encroachment, merchantability, and wellness for a specific reason. Without restricting the previous, the organization does not speak to or warrant:

the quality, wellness for reason, culmination, merchantability, non-encroachment or precision of the product, the site and the amusements;

the appropriateness of the data contained in the records or other data distributed on this site;

constant, blunder free, secure or infection free operation of KhelTamasha or its substance including programming, amusements, your record or proceeded with operation or accessibility of any office on KhelTamasha;

that the deformities in the site will be remedied;

that the site or the servers that work the site are free of infections or other unsafe parts;

that the information, results and data inside the site will be right, exact, sufficient, helpful, solid or something else; and

that the site will address your issues, prerequisites or desires.

No individual subsidiary, or asserting association with the Site has specialist to broaden such Warranties.

You embrace and concur as under:

The Company does not guarantee or guarantee that you will have the capacity to get to your record at whatever point you need. It is totally conceivable that you will most likely be unable to get to your record or the Services gave by the Company on occasion or for stretched out timeframes due to, yet not constrained to framework support and updates;

You know that cooperation in the diversions of ability sorted out by us may bring about budgetary misfortune to you. With full information of the certainties and conditions encompassing the Activity, you are willfully taking an interest in the Activity and accept all accountability for it and hazard coming about because of your support, including all dangers of budgetary misfortune. The Company makes no ensures, guarantees, portrayals, or different guarantees in respect to the Activity, and expect no obligation or duty regarding any monetary misfortune that you may support because of cooperation in the Activity;

You consent to reimburse and hold the Company, its workers, chiefs, officers, and specialists innocuous as for any cases and expenses related with your cooperation in the Activity. You recognize that You are exclusively in charge of any activity that emerges from Your interest with this Activity or around this Activity, paying little respect to happening some time recently, amid or after the time of the Activity;

To thusly spare, hold innocuous, release and discharge the Company from all obligation, claims, reasons for activities, harms or requests of any sort and nature, at all, that may emerge from or regarding your investment in the Activity;

You will be exclusively in charge of any deferral and additionally harm to your PC frameworks or loss of information that outcomes from establishment of site recreations or programming on Your PC and the site explicitly repudiates risk for any such disappointment postponement or disappointment;

You are exclusively in charge of keeping up the classification of your record get to certifications (i.e. username and secret key) and monetary instruments (i.e. credit/charge card number).

You consent to expect the whole hazard with regards to the outcomes and execution of any product as well as amusements profited by you on KhelTamasha.com. All things considered, result and execution in addition to other things relies upon your Internet association and equipment. You likewise expect the whole cost of all overhauling, repair as well as amendment of your equipment when you get to, download or execute programming or amusements accessible on KhelTamasha.com. The Company expressly repudiates obligation for any deferral or inability to perform coming about because of establishment of its recreations or programming on your PC.

You particularly recognize, concur and acknowledge that we are not obligated to you for: (i) the defamatory, hostile or illicit lead of some other player or for anything that ends up being deluding, mistaken, defamatory, debilitating, disgusting or generally unlawful whether starting from another player or something else; (ii) any misfortune at all emerging from the utilization, manhandle or abuse of your record on our Website; (iii) any misfortune brought about in transmitting data from you to our Website by the web or by other associating media; (iv) any specialized disappointments, framework breakdowns, abandons, delays, intrusions, controlled or despicable information transmission, misfortune or debasement of information or correspondences' lines disappointment, conveyed refusal of administration assaults, infections or some other unfavorable innovative events emerging regarding your entrance to or utilization of our Website; (v) the exactness, culmination or money of any data administrations gave or any measurements appeared on the Website;

You consent to repay, safeguard and hold the Company, safe from all cases, harms and costs made by any outsider emerging out of (a) your substance, or (b) your infringement of these Terms or Privacy Policy; or (c) utilization of KhelTamasha.com by some other individual getting to the Services utilizing your username or secret key, regardless of whether with your approval.

The Company maintains whatever authority is needed to change, alter or erase the destinations, data, and terms and conditions recorded on this site whenever without earlier notice.


You plainly comprehend and concur that the organization should by no means (counting, without confinement, in contract, carelessness or other tort), be at risk for any immediate, circuitous, auxiliary, unique, accidental, considerable or commendable harms. This incorporates, however is not restricted to damage, assert, loss of information, loss of wage, loss of benefit or loss of chance, loss of or harm to property, harms for financial misfortune, goodwill, utilize, information or other impalpable misfortune (regardless of the possibility that the organization has been educated concerning the likelihood of such harms), coming about because of or emerging out of the utilization of or the powerlessness to utilize the administration, regardless of the possibility that we have been instructed or turned out to be mindful with respect to the likelihood of such harms or misfortune or that such misfortune was forseeable. You consent to repay us against any cases in regard of any such issue.


This Agreement should in all regards be administered, deciphered by, and understood as per the laws of India. All question, contrasts, grumblings and so forth., should be liable to Arbitration under the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The judge will be delegated by the organization after due assent from the organization and the client. The place of assertion should be Bangalore, Karnataka, India. There could be occurrences where the organization is not ready to get immediate updates about the change in material laws of your place of remain. If you don't mind guarantee that any exercises you connect with on the Website are legitimate according to the relevant laws. You consent to reimburse and hold safe the organization or its site from any case, request, harm, or misfortune at all turning out due to your rebelliousness with the laws of your purview.


If there should be an occurrence of any inquiries or help, don't hesitate to get in touch with us whenever, in the event of any adjustment in your own data, please contact Customer Service. In the event that, on the off chance that you overlook your secret word, or suspect that another person has learnt and utilized your watchword please contact Customer Services. Additionally, if there should arise an occurrence of any elucidation that you may wish to look for with respect to anything, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us through client administrations at [email protected]


You therefore acknowledge the way that you have perused, comprehended and will maintain the above Terms and Conditions.

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